Shareholders 2018 2019 2020
Revenue (M€) 5,737 6,054  6,340
Operating cash flow excluding concessionaires (M€) 572 810  838
Dividends received (M€)¹ 520 520  377

(1) In scrip dividend and share buyback.

Employees 2018 2019 2020
Workforce at year-end 92,113 89,968  80,119
Total average turnover rate (%) 8.18% 13.23% 17.58%
Frequency rate 12.2 10.3  9.2
Severity rate 0.29 0.25  0.26
Customers 2018 2019 2020
Portfolio by business unit (M€) 30,376 29,080  23,211
   – Services 19,411 17,656  13,027 
   – Construction 10,965 11,424  10,129
Investment in R&D (M€) 48 45  52
User satisfaction with Managed Lanes (NTE and LBJ) (%) +80% 77%  70-80%
HAH passenger experience (scale 1-5) 4.15 4.17  4.18
Certified activity (ISO 9001) 88% 86% 89% 


2018 2019 2020
Renewal of presence on sustainability indexes: DJSI, Vigeo, FTSE4Good, MSCI, STOXX, CDP Yes Yes Yes
Carbon intensity: direct and indirect greenhouse gases emissions in relative terms
(tCO2 eq /M€)²
55% 59% 56%
Beneficiaries of potable water and sanitation projects³ 213,713 223,314  229,639
Taxes (M€)4 2,127 2,087  1,833

(2) Scope 1 & 2 compared to base year 2009.
(3) Data accumulated since 2008 (18 projects performed in Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana).
(4) Taxes accrued, paid and collected (cash flow criteria).